AI is Here; Adapt or Die:

Stefano Della Pietra
8 min readFeb 1, 2023


An unemployed comedian’s perspective on the future of work.

AI might be already taking your jobs, but I’m unemployed… can AI replace that? Checkmate!

Yo, check this out… Tech companies are laying off THOUSANDS of workers… Reminding us that in today’s fast-paced world, we’ve got to stay ahead of the game and always…panic!

The AI takeover is only natural, but so what then? Jobs suck. But they give us purpose, security, and some sick office gossip. I just took a Python BootCamp, so I should be ok.

This takeover is a genuine concern. But instead of letting the machines take over, we need to focus on using AI to support us, not replace us. Let’s use AI to streamline the boring stuff so we can focus on the more critical and creative aspects of our jobs. We’ve got to stay ahead of the game and adapt to this new tech revolution, but don’t let the robots steal our livelihoods. Let’s use them to enhance our jobs before they use us as batteries.

probably NOT what’s going to happen.

How can AI change the job market, and how can people adjust to the new opportunities and challenges AI brings?

As an unemployed comedian, I’m confused when everyone freaks out about losing jobs. Who wants a job? When I hear something on TV like:

“X and Y are’s going to create thousands of jobs,”

I think, “Noooooo, haven’t we had had enough already!”

“NEVER ENOUGH,” says the infinite growth we’re supposed to have.

I wasn’t only an unemployed comedian, I was also a corporate server in a billionaire’s office. I remember hearing some suits brag:

“We brought 40 thousand jobs into the jungle.”

Who asked them? Did they know? Are they happy about it?

While bringing them cappuccinos, I wondered about these questions and more.

Luckily, the pandemic happened, and they all lost their jobs… I hope. I wish them well.…

Chaos = opportunity.

Created with Dall-E. by Open AI… creepy.

Phew! I read an article that said that AI would not replace humans; we can sleep tight at night. Wait… was that article written by a human? Is THIS one?

Yes…this one is.

Are we working for the economy, or is the economy working for us? The goal should be a society where everyone can live well, no matter how much money they have…no?

“Sounds like some commie gobbledey gook!”

Some guy who would say, “Sounds like some commie gobbledygook!”

“Lemme tell you somethin’ about this whole job thing. What’s the point?

We’re all just slaving away, working the 9 to 5 for a bit of security and purpose. But what if I told you there’s another way? And no, it’s not having wealthy parents who slaved away for you, although that helps.

With AI and automation, all our basic needs could be met without us having to work. And imagine all the extra time you’d have to do the things you enjoy, like stuffing food in your face from a tube connected to your Amazon cart while buying virtual land in a decentralized Shopify for the Metaverse.

Can we explore new economic models prioritizing happiness and well-being for all, not just for the select few? Or do I sound naive just writing about it? Is Web3 the answer? What is Web3? There were already two that I missed.

I’m talking about creating an economy that is fair, based on resources, and can last. This economy is based on the idea that if resources are spread out well, they can meet everyone’s needs. People no longer need money or jobs because they can get what they need immediately.

But who spreads them out? Noam Chomsky. He has a mellifluous voice. I trust him.

But this is still a guess, and it’s still being determined whether a society like this would be possible or desirable. Work’s psychological and social effects on people’s lives and access to meaningful activities and social connections are among the problems that need fixing.

Remember Covid, when everyone started working from home? Believe it or not, some people want to GO BACK to the office. I understand your manager who needs to feel significant, but your buddy! How can they do you like that? … They may be tired of looking their spouse in the face. Hey, I get it…but don’t ruin it for the rest of us. We like working in pajamas, with the doggos licking our feet under the table.

Doggos don’t need jobs…they seem to be doing fine.

Think about how this change would affect politics, government, and people’s identities.

Work has always given people a sense of purpose, social connections, and a sense of who they are. But in capitalist societies, people are encouraged to do well and make money, which may be why people today focus on work as a source of identity and self-worth.

In capitalist cultures, a person’s job and how much money they have often influence their social status and ability to buy goods and services. This practice could make people feel they must meet expectations and look for a particular job even if it doesn’t make them happy or goes against their values. When you’re young and hungry, and money is your motivator, you might be able to fake it, but what if you’re in your mid-30s and someone younger, cheaper, and better-looking comes for your job? What matters is how much you care. The capitalist system may have fooled people into choosing jobs that fit their needs instead of ones they enjoy.

Not that a job is supposed to make you happy — I’m not that naive — … but it’s not supposed to make you hate every day either. I’m not that cynical.

It’s worth looking into whether having a job is vital for happiness and self-esteem or if this is just a cultural belief that could be changed.

Let me differentiate: Work will always exist; jobs don’t have to.

Work is work, and a job is someone else working you.

Work is not simply being employed; work gives our lives meaning. Work is about growing personally, expressing yourself, and making a positive difference in the world, regardless of pay. Changing how you look at things could counteract the dehumanizing effect of judging people by their jobs.

Still, you have to eat.…

Work’s psychological and social effects on people’s lives and access to meaningful activities and social connections need to be looked into by people smarter than myself. Unfortunately smarter people than myself are all busy making money. Think about how machines creating most of the value in society would affect politics, government, and people’s identities.

Politicians politely discussing what’s to be done about AI

Work is seen as the measure of success, and people’s self-worth is tied to their job and income. What if we didn’t have to define ourselves by our jobs? What if we could find purpose and fulfillment outside of work? Imagine a world where everyone has enough to live comfortably without grinding away at a job they don’t even like. Imagine prices of everything dropping dramatically. This is sure to piss some people off.

People with cushy jobs, are you ready to give that up? It’s not up to you.

Is work vital for happiness and self-esteem, or is this just a cultural belief that could be changed? Think about whether how we do things now is the only way. People may find purpose, community, and meaning in something other than jobs.

People often think that AI can do everything better than people, but this isn’t true. Even though AI can be very powerful and even execute better than humans at times, it will only be able to do some things better than we can.

Being ourselves is one of these things. AI can copy human behavior and output, but it will never truly understand what it means to be human. Something about us goes beyond what we do and how well we do it.

But what exactly is it? Some might say it’s our consciousness or self-awareness, but we still need to fully understand these ideas. I watched a video with George Hotz saying that there’s no such thing as consciousness. He jailbroke an iPhone at 17, so who am I to deny him?

Others might say we are unique because of our emotional and social intelligence.

One thing is clear: People are unique. How we act, feel, think, and talk is full of mystery and complexity. Understanding everything about what makes us human will probably take many years, if not centuries.

It’s worth trying to find out what makes us human. The more we know about ourselves, the better we can understand our place in the world, and the more we can appreciate the unique qualities that we all have.

In the end, the topic of AI taking over jobs isn’t just about finding new jobs. It’s also about finding meaning and fulfillment in life.

check out what this guy has to say about it.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs includes the idea of self-actualization, which shows how important it is to reach your full potential and find meaning in what you do. For some, that might mean keeping a traditional job, while for others, it might mean acquiring new skills and starting a new career. I found studying computer science later in life personally beneficial. Solving complex problems and learning hard skills have value in and of themselves and are bringing me closer to my purpose. I find meaning in writing this.


Even if it doesn’t lead to a job, my journey and progress toward self-actualization matter. Everyone has a different path to self-actualization, so finding what works for you is essential. Instead of just focusing on economic growth and job creation, society should create an environment that helps people reach their full potential and find their purpose.




Stefano Della Pietra
Stefano Della Pietra

Written by Stefano Della Pietra

I love sharing my thoughts on tech with others. It's not too serious.

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